Tuesday, April 28, 2009

spirit week, field trips, and soccer

A few weeks back was Spirit Week at school; one day was College Day. Our kids are planning on going to the UofU.

Last week I got to go with Anna and her classmates on the 2nd grade field trip to Red Butte Gardens. We rode the bus and ate lunch at a park and learned all the parts of a flower. We went on a walking tour and learned about different habitats. It was a warm, gorgeous day and we had a nice time together.
Soccer is a big deal at our house. Zachary (who is in 4th grade) is playing in a 5th-6th league, playing very well, and loving it!

I absolutely love this action shot of Griffin! This very intense kick was a goal!


Double Gusto Ayres said...

Jen I just love your family and yes that was some great action shots of the boys.

Jesse said...

I suppose even with the Ute garb, we can still be friends:)