Monday, November 2, 2009

Halloween sampling

It's tricky to pick just a few pictures to put on the blog (since there are so many good ones!) so I've chosen a few to give a sampling of our Halloween festivities.

On parade/class party day at school, the 5th graders had Mall Day (instead of a Halloween party). The kids used their money that they've earned since the first of the year to buy a business license, set up a business, and buy and sell various goods or services. Zachary sold hot dogs (cooked in his hot dog toaster) for $50 each. The sign says "warm cooked hot dogs with a choice of ketchup or mustard. Estimated three minute wait." He sold hot dogs as fast as they'd cook and he made over $1000 in 5th grade cash.

We enjoyed a delightful evening celebrating El Dia De Los Muertos with family and friends. My mom and Anna were both witches.

I had to throw in a picture of the pregnant nun and pumpkin. :)

Saturday night we went trick-or-treating and got a ton of candy. As you can see, Jane is a butterfly, Anna a witch, Griffin is a cowboy, Seven (our little friend) is Buzz Lightyear, and Zachary is Shaggy.

It was a fun holiday weekend!

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