Monday, May 24, 2010


My Griffin is 7 years old! He had a fun birthday with calls, cards, and gifts from lots of people, took treats to school, and had lasagna for dinner. His soccer team sang to him after his game, and we finished off the day with ice cream sundaes.

Griffin had a pirate party with his friends the next day. The treasure hunt took the boys to various parts of the house and yard, and to the neighbors' yards; the buried treasure was found in a chest under a pile of dirt. Aargh!

Griffin is a kind, thoughtful boy who loves to play soccer, run, play the piano, be creative, use his imagination, and build things. He enjoys reading and excels at math. Griffin is a peacemaker, has an infectious laugh, and sneaks in some tricks. He is such an important part of our family.

1 comment:

Merinda Reeder said...

FUN! What a cute little man.